
2024-06-06 17:42:32 source: ZICC


The World Tree: China Academy of Art (CAA) Graduation Season was simultaneously inaugurated at eight venues on June 1, including the CAA's Xiangshan Campus, Liangzhu Campus, and Xianghu Campus, Zhejiang Art Museum, Zhejiang Library's Zhijiang Branch, World Tourism Museum, and Quanshanshi Art Center. It presents the graduation works of a total of 2,868 graduates (1834 undergraduates and 1034 postgraduates) from 20 academic units, as a youthful art festival across the city of Hangzhou and various domains. The opening exhibition and fashion show took place on the evening of June 1 at CAA Liangzhu Campus, which was concurrently live-streamed online. The online graduation exhibition has also been launched on CAACOSMOS.


The CAA Graduation Exhibition 2019, the world's largest one, reached beyond the walls of the Academy to the entire city, gathering greater strengths. On one hand, it showcased CAA as an "Unwalled Academy" that integrates internal and external resources; on the other hand, it shared the Academy's educational achievements with society, to promote the common growth of young artists in line with the times. It has become the most influential Graduation Season in China.





Exhibition Scene of different schools



Opening Ceremony


In 2024, the CAA Graduation Season takes "World Tree" as its theme. The World Tree guides us to view the world with the perspective of life and to explore within. Each departure reaches higher and farther, or delves deeper and more specialized. Every action is a tiny exploration welcoming a new life. President Gao Shiming pointed out, "The 'World Tree' was once a channel connecting heaven, earth, and humanity. Now, this ancient legend will guide us to understand the world with the perspective of life and understand people with the perspective of nature." This graduation season creates a broad, cross-disciplinary, and youth-filled art festival that serves as a "youth declaration observing the times, a creative space-time of fusion and convergence, a heritage site of cultural classics, and a gathering place for various futures."

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The World Tree: China Academy of Art (CAA) Graduation Season was simultaneously inaugurated at eight venues on June 1, including the CAA's Xiangshan Campus, Liangzhu Campus, and Xianghu Campus, Zhejiang Art Museum, Zhejiang Library's Zhijiang Branch, World Tourism Museum, and Quanshanshi Art Center. It presents the graduation works of a total of 2,868 graduates (1834 undergraduates and 1034 postgraduates) from 20 academic units, as a youthful art festival across the city of Hangzhou and various domains. The opening exhibition and fashion show took place on the evening of June 1 at CAA Liangzhu Campus, which was concurrently live-streamed online. The online graduation exhibition has also been launched on CAACOSMOS.


The CAA Graduation Exhibition 2019, the world's largest one, reached beyond the walls of the Academy to the entire city, gathering greater strengths. On one hand, it showcased CAA as an "Unwalled Academy" that integrates internal and external resources; on the other hand, it shared the Academy's educational achievements with society, to promote the common growth of young artists in line with the times. It has become the most influential Graduation Season in China.





Exhibition Scene of different schools



Opening Ceremony


In 2024, the CAA Graduation Season takes "World Tree" as its theme. The World Tree guides us to view the world with the perspective of life and to explore within. Each departure reaches higher and farther, or delves deeper and more specialized. Every action is a tiny exploration welcoming a new life. President Gao Shiming pointed out, "The 'World Tree' was once a channel connecting heaven, earth, and humanity. Now, this ancient legend will guide us to understand the world with the perspective of life and understand people with the perspective of nature." This graduation season creates a broad, cross-disciplinary, and youth-filled art festival that serves as a "youth declaration observing the times, a creative space-time of fusion and convergence, a heritage site of cultural classics, and a gathering place for various futures."
