Stratford-Suichang: When Tang Xianzu Meets William Shakespeare 从遂昌到斯特拉福德,汤显祖与莎士比亚的“牵手”

2019-11-22 06:12:05 source: 文化交流(钱科丹)





















  “卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严:爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。”2019 年8 月,《仲夏夜之梦》在遂昌汤公音乐节期间上演,遂昌版《仲夏夜之梦》让汤显祖、莎士比亚、门德尔松三位巨匠超越时空,不期而遇……

  活跃在2019 汤公音乐节舞台上的不止赫米娅、拉山德、海伦娜和狄米特律斯,还有来自法国、美国、加拿大、波兰、日本、韩国等世界各地的一批优秀的年轻演奏家,更有法国籍的陈其钢、陈雷激,美国籍的何为、涂强、刘韵杰、王冰、伊恩·斯文森、Brian Zator,中国台湾的施汶伶,中国大陆的于红梅、陈萨、常石磊、杜宁武、常静等。他们在遂昌举办了1场原创村歌作品发布会、4场音乐教育活动、9场室内音乐会、6场实景音乐会、11场公益音乐普及讲座和大师公开课、两个签约仪式。16天内,全城浸润在美妙的音乐中,陶醉在琴弦的律动中。

  自2013年陈其钢、陈琳、陈雷激在遂昌创办“陈其钢工作音乐坊”“躬耕书院音乐筑梦班”后,越来越多国内外顶尖的音乐家跨海越洋,汇聚遂昌。2016 年,小提琴演奏家何为、中提琴演奏家刘韵杰和大提琴演奏家涂强在躬耕书院发起了公益性国际音乐夏令营,即青年音乐家培养计划。自此,音乐成为遂昌打开对外文化交流窗口的新钥匙,“青培计划”和“筑梦班”则成为新钥匙最关键的两道齿。

  “青培计划”每年向全球招收30多名优秀音乐生,开展“专业课程”“巡回演出”“中国文化之旅”“音乐志愿活动”等。来自世界各地的年轻音乐家,有机会浸入不同的文化氛围,参与中西方文化的碰撞与对话,以及当地公益实践与交流活动,促进个人成长。而中国的优秀文化、遂昌的本土文化,通过培养计划传递给学员,也传播到了世界各地。“筑梦班”招收山区小学“山里娃”,根据不同学员的特点,进行器乐、声乐、舞台艺术的专业培养,打造了山区儿童公益教育平台,也给学员提供了实现音乐梦想的平台。400 来名孩子因为“筑梦班”,迷上了音乐,受惠于音乐。

  2011年,躬耕书院办了第一期音乐暑期夏令营,在当地村里招生,总共来了十几个晒得黑黝黝的孩子。当时13 岁的曾佳慧,就站在他们中间。对这些山里的孩子来说,命运轮盘上的选项并不多,曾佳慧想在仅有十天的夏令营中创造一个新的可能性。






  “我的家,天是蓝的水是绿的。走过层层梯田,在白云缭绕的山巅,到处是郁郁葱葱的茶园……”这是2019年4月,20名“音乐筑梦班”的孩子在2019 中国北京世界园艺博览会开幕式舞台上参与表演的童声合唱《心底的天籁》。而歌词正是陈其钢以遂昌为原型而创作的。筑梦班美妙的童音,将遂昌的纯朴、美好传递给了全中国、全世界。孩子们乘着音乐的翅膀,用最纯净的歌声托载着最质朴的情感与梦想,“飞”出大山,“飞”向世界。


The 2012 debut of the full-scale Kunqu Opera, , the masterpiece of Tang Xianzu (1550-1616), the greatest playwright in the old times of China, and “the Shakespeare of the Orient”, in Stratford and Coventry, fascinated the audience. The phantasmagoric romance between Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei touched the heart of the British audience.

The cultural bond between Suichang and Stratford, the birthplace of William Shakespeare (1564-1616), the English poet and playwright who is considered one of the greatest writers to ever use the English language, is beyond description, in that it is forged by two great minds which never had the chance to meet each other.


Tang Xianzu Meets William Shakespeare

The year 2016 marked the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu. The two great dramatists joined UNESCO’s “the most influential 100 people in history” in the same year of 2000. Both explored the ultimate human thoughts about life and death in their masterworks. The philosophical depths of both reach such a charismatic level that makes their works timeless. For people today, the powerful sentiments in  and  feel so tangible and fresh that the 400 years between the two dramatists’ living time feels like déjà vu.

For Suichang, a small, mountainous county in Zhejiang Province’s Lishui district, the year 2016 was a big year. Suichang is the place where Tang Xianzu stayed for five years between 1593 and 1598 for his tenure and wrote the . His charisma and legacy has been remembered by generations of Suichang people. The county’s Tang Xianzu “totem” reached a new level in the 1980s, and blossomed into the sister city relation with Stratford in 2009.

Suichang launched the first Tang Xianzu – Shakespeare International Academic Summit Forum in 2011, drawing about 70 experts from seven countries/regions.

The unique bond between two great minds has blossomed into a repertoire of programs including Tang Xianzu-Shakespeare Culture Exchange, a bilingual online platform operated by the joint effort of Suichang and Stratford, and a translated version of .

“In the China-UK collaboration between Suichang and Stratford, studies about Tang Xianzu has been the key responsibility of the School of Oriental and African Studies; and we realized the importance of Tang Xianzu studies in sinology at the very beginning of such cooperation,” says Chen Tianyuan, a professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies of London University and secretary-general of European Association for Chinese Studies.

The Tang Xianzu Culture Festival hosted by Suichang has seen participation of British representatives four times. Over the past decade, Delegations from Suichang have taken part in Shakespeare commemorative activities in the UK eight times and brought into the homeland of Shakespeare twice, with the 2013 performance featured by major media groups such as BBC and the London division of the Xinhua Agency.

In the celebration of 2016, a TV program was co-produced by Suichang and Stratford to summarize the communication between the two places in all aspects.



You Gave Me Wings and
Made Me Fly

The Suichang version of was put on stage in August, 2019, allowing Tang Xianzu, William Shakespeare and Felix Mendelssohn to meet each other on the same stage. The 2019 Tang Xianzu Music Festival from July 22 to August 16 drew a galaxy of distinguished instrumentalists from China, French, the United States, Canada, Poland, Japan, and South Korea. During the 16-day festival, they gave nine indoor concerts and six outdoor concerts, eleven lectures and master classes. Musicians took part in four musical education programs. A special concert was held at which some village songs made their public debut. Two agreements were signed. The 16-day festival turned Suichang into a sea of melody and joy.

Ever since Chen Qigang, Chen Lin and Chen Leiji launched a charity music education program in Suichang in 2013, the county has been drawing musicians from all over the world to engage in all kinds of education-oriented music projects. The year 2016 saw another non-profit music-themed summer camp program unveiled in the county. The program’s training classes, together with an array of cultural programs, are open yearly to 30 students from the globe.

More than 400 music enthusiasts from Suichang have benefited from the “dream classes” offered free by participating musicians to usher music lovers into the wonderland of music. One of the participants in a 2011 program is Zeng Jiahui, a 13-year-old girl who dreamt of making her life different within the ten-day program. Her dram miraculously came true.

One day during the summer camp, Chen Leiji finished his teaching and told his students to practice for a while until dinner time. He was so immersed in a chat with his friends that he forgot the dinner time of his students. When he got back, he saw the only one still practicing was Zeng Jiahui. “Why are you still here?” Chen asked. “I am supposed to be here until you come back,” the girl paused and replied.

Ten days later, the teachers made the decision to take the girl to Beijing, where she passed the national examination for the affiliated middle school of the Central Conservatory of Music only a year later and entered the  department of the conservatory.

The year 2014 saw the debut of at the Hangzhou Grand Theater. The opera for children is a collaborated project by the students of the Suichang-based music “dream camp” and Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra. The debut was followed by performances in various cities across Zhejiang. , a musical work performed by children’s chorus at the opening ceremony of the 2019 China Beijing World Garden Expo, was written by Chen Qigang using Suichang for inspiration. It is no exaggeration to say that it is music that has opened up a new world of exciting possibilities to children living in the sleepy county of Suichang.

From Tang Xianzu to William Shakespeare, and from  to , a small county in the mountainous southwestern Zhejiang Province is well on its way towards the frontline of the world’s most exciting east-west cultural communication stage, and is showing unique self-confidence to the world audience.


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11389243 Stratford-Suichang: When Tang Xianzu Meets William Shakespeare 从遂昌到斯特拉福德,汤显祖与莎士比亚的“牵手” public html





















  “卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严:爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。”2019 年8 月,《仲夏夜之梦》在遂昌汤公音乐节期间上演,遂昌版《仲夏夜之梦》让汤显祖、莎士比亚、门德尔松三位巨匠超越时空,不期而遇……

  活跃在2019 汤公音乐节舞台上的不止赫米娅、拉山德、海伦娜和狄米特律斯,还有来自法国、美国、加拿大、波兰、日本、韩国等世界各地的一批优秀的年轻演奏家,更有法国籍的陈其钢、陈雷激,美国籍的何为、涂强、刘韵杰、王冰、伊恩·斯文森、Brian Zator,中国台湾的施汶伶,中国大陆的于红梅、陈萨、常石磊、杜宁武、常静等。他们在遂昌举办了1场原创村歌作品发布会、4场音乐教育活动、9场室内音乐会、6场实景音乐会、11场公益音乐普及讲座和大师公开课、两个签约仪式。16天内,全城浸润在美妙的音乐中,陶醉在琴弦的律动中。

  自2013年陈其钢、陈琳、陈雷激在遂昌创办“陈其钢工作音乐坊”“躬耕书院音乐筑梦班”后,越来越多国内外顶尖的音乐家跨海越洋,汇聚遂昌。2016 年,小提琴演奏家何为、中提琴演奏家刘韵杰和大提琴演奏家涂强在躬耕书院发起了公益性国际音乐夏令营,即青年音乐家培养计划。自此,音乐成为遂昌打开对外文化交流窗口的新钥匙,“青培计划”和“筑梦班”则成为新钥匙最关键的两道齿。

  “青培计划”每年向全球招收30多名优秀音乐生,开展“专业课程”“巡回演出”“中国文化之旅”“音乐志愿活动”等。来自世界各地的年轻音乐家,有机会浸入不同的文化氛围,参与中西方文化的碰撞与对话,以及当地公益实践与交流活动,促进个人成长。而中国的优秀文化、遂昌的本土文化,通过培养计划传递给学员,也传播到了世界各地。“筑梦班”招收山区小学“山里娃”,根据不同学员的特点,进行器乐、声乐、舞台艺术的专业培养,打造了山区儿童公益教育平台,也给学员提供了实现音乐梦想的平台。400 来名孩子因为“筑梦班”,迷上了音乐,受惠于音乐。

  2011年,躬耕书院办了第一期音乐暑期夏令营,在当地村里招生,总共来了十几个晒得黑黝黝的孩子。当时13 岁的曾佳慧,就站在他们中间。对这些山里的孩子来说,命运轮盘上的选项并不多,曾佳慧想在仅有十天的夏令营中创造一个新的可能性。






  “我的家,天是蓝的水是绿的。走过层层梯田,在白云缭绕的山巅,到处是郁郁葱葱的茶园……”这是2019年4月,20名“音乐筑梦班”的孩子在2019 中国北京世界园艺博览会开幕式舞台上参与表演的童声合唱《心底的天籁》。而歌词正是陈其钢以遂昌为原型而创作的。筑梦班美妙的童音,将遂昌的纯朴、美好传递给了全中国、全世界。孩子们乘着音乐的翅膀,用最纯净的歌声托载着最质朴的情感与梦想,“飞”出大山,“飞”向世界。


The 2012 debut of the full-scale Kunqu Opera, , the masterpiece of Tang Xianzu (1550-1616), the greatest playwright in the old times of China, and “the Shakespeare of the Orient”, in Stratford and Coventry, fascinated the audience. The phantasmagoric romance between Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei touched the heart of the British audience.

The cultural bond between Suichang and Stratford, the birthplace of William Shakespeare (1564-1616), the English poet and playwright who is considered one of the greatest writers to ever use the English language, is beyond description, in that it is forged by two great minds which never had the chance to meet each other.


Tang Xianzu Meets William Shakespeare

The year 2016 marked the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu. The two great dramatists joined UNESCO’s “the most influential 100 people in history” in the same year of 2000. Both explored the ultimate human thoughts about life and death in their masterworks. The philosophical depths of both reach such a charismatic level that makes their works timeless. For people today, the powerful sentiments in  and  feel so tangible and fresh that the 400 years between the two dramatists’ living time feels like déjà vu.

For Suichang, a small, mountainous county in Zhejiang Province’s Lishui district, the year 2016 was a big year. Suichang is the place where Tang Xianzu stayed for five years between 1593 and 1598 for his tenure and wrote the . His charisma and legacy has been remembered by generations of Suichang people. The county’s Tang Xianzu “totem” reached a new level in the 1980s, and blossomed into the sister city relation with Stratford in 2009.

Suichang launched the first Tang Xianzu – Shakespeare International Academic Summit Forum in 2011, drawing about 70 experts from seven countries/regions.

The unique bond between two great minds has blossomed into a repertoire of programs including Tang Xianzu-Shakespeare Culture Exchange, a bilingual online platform operated by the joint effort of Suichang and Stratford, and a translated version of .

“In the China-UK collaboration between Suichang and Stratford, studies about Tang Xianzu has been the key responsibility of the School of Oriental and African Studies; and we realized the importance of Tang Xianzu studies in sinology at the very beginning of such cooperation,” says Chen Tianyuan, a professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies of London University and secretary-general of European Association for Chinese Studies.

The Tang Xianzu Culture Festival hosted by Suichang has seen participation of British representatives four times. Over the past decade, Delegations from Suichang have taken part in Shakespeare commemorative activities in the UK eight times and brought into the homeland of Shakespeare twice, with the 2013 performance featured by major media groups such as BBC and the London division of the Xinhua Agency.

In the celebration of 2016, a TV program was co-produced by Suichang and Stratford to summarize the communication between the two places in all aspects.



You Gave Me Wings and
Made Me Fly

The Suichang version of was put on stage in August, 2019, allowing Tang Xianzu, William Shakespeare and Felix Mendelssohn to meet each other on the same stage. The 2019 Tang Xianzu Music Festival from July 22 to August 16 drew a galaxy of distinguished instrumentalists from China, French, the United States, Canada, Poland, Japan, and South Korea. During the 16-day festival, they gave nine indoor concerts and six outdoor concerts, eleven lectures and master classes. Musicians took part in four musical education programs. A special concert was held at which some village songs made their public debut. Two agreements were signed. The 16-day festival turned Suichang into a sea of melody and joy.

Ever since Chen Qigang, Chen Lin and Chen Leiji launched a charity music education program in Suichang in 2013, the county has been drawing musicians from all over the world to engage in all kinds of education-oriented music projects. The year 2016 saw another non-profit music-themed summer camp program unveiled in the county. The program’s training classes, together with an array of cultural programs, are open yearly to 30 students from the globe.

More than 400 music enthusiasts from Suichang have benefited from the “dream classes” offered free by participating musicians to usher music lovers into the wonderland of music. One of the participants in a 2011 program is Zeng Jiahui, a 13-year-old girl who dreamt of making her life different within the ten-day program. Her dram miraculously came true.

One day during the summer camp, Chen Leiji finished his teaching and told his students to practice for a while until dinner time. He was so immersed in a chat with his friends that he forgot the dinner time of his students. When he got back, he saw the only one still practicing was Zeng Jiahui. “Why are you still here?” Chen asked. “I am supposed to be here until you come back,” the girl paused and replied.

Ten days later, the teachers made the decision to take the girl to Beijing, where she passed the national examination for the affiliated middle school of the Central Conservatory of Music only a year later and entered the  department of the conservatory.

The year 2014 saw the debut of at the Hangzhou Grand Theater. The opera for children is a collaborated project by the students of the Suichang-based music “dream camp” and Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra. The debut was followed by performances in various cities across Zhejiang. , a musical work performed by children’s chorus at the opening ceremony of the 2019 China Beijing World Garden Expo, was written by Chen Qigang using Suichang for inspiration. It is no exaggeration to say that it is music that has opened up a new world of exciting possibilities to children living in the sleepy county of Suichang.

From Tang Xianzu to William Shakespeare, and from  to , a small county in the mountainous southwestern Zhejiang Province is well on its way towards the frontline of the world’s most exciting east-west cultural communication stage, and is showing unique self-confidence to the world audience.

