Volunteers from UNNC Teach Art and Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria 用书法抹去空间的距离​

2019-08-23 10:45:50 source: 《文化交流》:苏钧天



  此次开展的“文艺出海”特色文化艺术培训,由索非亚中国文化中心主办,旨在共享人类艺术、传播中国及宁波本地文化,为期一年,覆盖四大板块、九大内容,包括中国书法、国画、武术、中医、舞蹈、音乐、非遗等,2019 年度计划开展12 期,每月一期,共计12期课程约360堂课,预计将为500多位保加利亚公民提供理论与技能的学习与实践。

“文艺出海”首批10位志愿者合影 。(1)_看图王.jpg

  首批赴保加利亚开展志愿服务的“先行军”共10位,其中有9位来自宁诺,7位是大一的新生,带队的是宁波诺丁汉大学青年志愿者协会会长穆希雅和学生事务与发展中心的Summer He老师。首期课程为八极拳和中国书画。教授八极拳的崔振峰是吴氏开门八极拳九世弟子,巧的是,他也是一位宁诺的毕业生。教授书画的是大一学生邱伊霖和孙郡,另外7名志愿者则配合教学,并特别准备了两门兴趣课——剪纸和脸谱。




因为没有座位了,姐弟俩于是坐在地上学习写字、画画。 (1)_看图王.jpg



美丽的女孩剪的喜字 。_看图王.jpg



  穆希雅说,在收集调查问卷的时候,发现一张问卷上用花体写了“Thank you”,才知道有一个当地的艺术家来我们这里上课。他很喜欢我们的课,还免费设计了很多作品送给我们。我希望他能够在之后的作品中加入更多的中国元素,送了很多纸张和笔给他,他激动得抱着我说谢谢。最后一节课,我们跟他道别的时候,他偷偷哭了,说一定会来中国找我们。


  几位志愿者都提到了当地市民对中国文化的热情。有一位对于中国文化非常感兴趣的大叔,他在书法课上让同学们教他用中文写“feel like home”,他说,因为我们的热情让他感觉“像家一样”。后来我们才知道,他住在索非亚的另一边,每次来上课都需要坐很长时间的车,但他从来没有缺席过。有一个女孩子学习中文已经有5个月了,即将去浙江大学交换学习。她每节课都会早到一个小时,帮忙摆放教学用品,下课也会留下一起收拾。有一天下课后,她还带几位志愿者去了当地的酒吧,让几位志愿者对于当地人的生活有了更多了解。道别的时候,她很用力地抱了抱同学们:我相信我们一定会在中国再见面。






  Volunteers from UNNC Teach Art and Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria

A group of nine volunteers from University of Nottingham Ningbo China flew 16 hours and covered a distance of 10,571 kilometers before they landed in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria on June 20, 2018. The group included seven first-year students and two graduates. They were accompanied by a teacher.


The group spent two weeks there teaching traditional Chinese art and culture to local people at the China Cultural Center in Sophia. Now the volunteers are back.


The volunteers came to work at a project sponsored by China Cultural Center in Sofia. The project in 2019 is designed to have 12 monthly episodes and all the volunteers are from UNNC in Ningbo. Each episode is to be 2 weeks long and offer 30 classes. It is expected the project this year will enable over 500 Bulgarians to acquaint themselves with the essentials of Chinese art and culture.


Cui Zhenfeng taught Taiji (shadow boxing) to Bulgarian enthusiasts. He is a disciple of a Wushu master surnamed Wu and a graduate of UNNC. Freshmen Qiu Yilin and Sun Jun were engaged in art teaching. Other volunteers acted as assistants in classroom. The volunteers also gave Bulgarians a hands-on experience in paper-cutting and facial masks used in Chinese operas.


The young volunteers were fully prepared for teaching and they had brought a full quantity of teaching supplies such as brush pens and paper, facial masks and scissors, etc. But they didn’t expect to see so many people show up. The volunteers were delightfully surprised and impressed with the enthusiasm of these local people.


A woman brought her two children to an art class. As there were no seats for latecomers, the two children sat on the floor and practiced what they had just learned. They said sitting on the floor and creating artworks made them feel like artists. The woman said she had visited China twice and was deeply impressed. She would like her children to learn traditional Chinese art and culture.



The volunteers found someone had written “thank you” in a beautiful English style at the end of a questionnaire. It turned out that the artistic words were written by an artist. He gave the volunteers some artworks he had designed. When given some art materials such as paper and brush pens, he was very happy. After the last class, the volunteers hugged him goodbye and he wept. He said he would come to see them in China. A middle-aged man asked volunteers to write in Chinese the English words “feel like home”. The volunteers wrote that in a calligraphic style. After chatting with him, the volunteers found that he needed to travel a long way from the other side of Sophia to attend classes at the China Cultural Center. He was never late.



Toward the end of the two weeks, all those who had attended the classes could write a few Chinese words and paint a simple bamboo painting. Some of the bamboos painted by Bulgarians showed delightful compositions and ebullient brushworks.


Tu Xusong, director of China Cultural Center in Sophia, spoke highly of the UNNC volunteers. “We picked them to start the monthly project because we knew the university was highly international. It turns out that ours is a right decision. The volunteers spared no efforts to express themselves and the classes they taught were innovative and delightful. They served as envoys of Chinese culture and the Chinese story they presented was good,” remarks Tu.


In recent years, UNNC carries out various volunteers programs. Incomplete data indicate that hundreds of UNNC students are engaged in these programs in 35 countries and regions during summer and winter breaks.


The volunteer services of UNNC are more than work. Volunteers give full play to their capabilities to disseminate Chinese culture to the world. UNNC volunteers have been contributing to China’s Belt & Road initiative. “It is hoped that the UNNC volunteer service will be a brand name and that it will enable the world to know more about China and Ningbo in particular,” comments proudly Zhang Yun, director of the UNNC center for student affairs and development.


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  此次开展的“文艺出海”特色文化艺术培训,由索非亚中国文化中心主办,旨在共享人类艺术、传播中国及宁波本地文化,为期一年,覆盖四大板块、九大内容,包括中国书法、国画、武术、中医、舞蹈、音乐、非遗等,2019 年度计划开展12 期,每月一期,共计12期课程约360堂课,预计将为500多位保加利亚公民提供理论与技能的学习与实践。

“文艺出海”首批10位志愿者合影 。(1)_看图王.jpg

  首批赴保加利亚开展志愿服务的“先行军”共10位,其中有9位来自宁诺,7位是大一的新生,带队的是宁波诺丁汉大学青年志愿者协会会长穆希雅和学生事务与发展中心的Summer He老师。首期课程为八极拳和中国书画。教授八极拳的崔振峰是吴氏开门八极拳九世弟子,巧的是,他也是一位宁诺的毕业生。教授书画的是大一学生邱伊霖和孙郡,另外7名志愿者则配合教学,并特别准备了两门兴趣课——剪纸和脸谱。




因为没有座位了,姐弟俩于是坐在地上学习写字、画画。 (1)_看图王.jpg



美丽的女孩剪的喜字 。_看图王.jpg



  穆希雅说,在收集调查问卷的时候,发现一张问卷上用花体写了“Thank you”,才知道有一个当地的艺术家来我们这里上课。他很喜欢我们的课,还免费设计了很多作品送给我们。我希望他能够在之后的作品中加入更多的中国元素,送了很多纸张和笔给他,他激动得抱着我说谢谢。最后一节课,我们跟他道别的时候,他偷偷哭了,说一定会来中国找我们。


  几位志愿者都提到了当地市民对中国文化的热情。有一位对于中国文化非常感兴趣的大叔,他在书法课上让同学们教他用中文写“feel like home”,他说,因为我们的热情让他感觉“像家一样”。后来我们才知道,他住在索非亚的另一边,每次来上课都需要坐很长时间的车,但他从来没有缺席过。有一个女孩子学习中文已经有5个月了,即将去浙江大学交换学习。她每节课都会早到一个小时,帮忙摆放教学用品,下课也会留下一起收拾。有一天下课后,她还带几位志愿者去了当地的酒吧,让几位志愿者对于当地人的生活有了更多了解。道别的时候,她很用力地抱了抱同学们:我相信我们一定会在中国再见面。






  Volunteers from UNNC Teach Art and Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria

A group of nine volunteers from University of Nottingham Ningbo China flew 16 hours and covered a distance of 10,571 kilometers before they landed in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria on June 20, 2018. The group included seven first-year students and two graduates. They were accompanied by a teacher.


The group spent two weeks there teaching traditional Chinese art and culture to local people at the China Cultural Center in Sophia. Now the volunteers are back.


The volunteers came to work at a project sponsored by China Cultural Center in Sofia. The project in 2019 is designed to have 12 monthly episodes and all the volunteers are from UNNC in Ningbo. Each episode is to be 2 weeks long and offer 30 classes. It is expected the project this year will enable over 500 Bulgarians to acquaint themselves with the essentials of Chinese art and culture.


Cui Zhenfeng taught Taiji (shadow boxing) to Bulgarian enthusiasts. He is a disciple of a Wushu master surnamed Wu and a graduate of UNNC. Freshmen Qiu Yilin and Sun Jun were engaged in art teaching. Other volunteers acted as assistants in classroom. The volunteers also gave Bulgarians a hands-on experience in paper-cutting and facial masks used in Chinese operas.


The young volunteers were fully prepared for teaching and they had brought a full quantity of teaching supplies such as brush pens and paper, facial masks and scissors, etc. But they didn’t expect to see so many people show up. The volunteers were delightfully surprised and impressed with the enthusiasm of these local people.


A woman brought her two children to an art class. As there were no seats for latecomers, the two children sat on the floor and practiced what they had just learned. They said sitting on the floor and creating artworks made them feel like artists. The woman said she had visited China twice and was deeply impressed. She would like her children to learn traditional Chinese art and culture.



The volunteers found someone had written “thank you” in a beautiful English style at the end of a questionnaire. It turned out that the artistic words were written by an artist. He gave the volunteers some artworks he had designed. When given some art materials such as paper and brush pens, he was very happy. After the last class, the volunteers hugged him goodbye and he wept. He said he would come to see them in China. A middle-aged man asked volunteers to write in Chinese the English words “feel like home”. The volunteers wrote that in a calligraphic style. After chatting with him, the volunteers found that he needed to travel a long way from the other side of Sophia to attend classes at the China Cultural Center. He was never late.



Toward the end of the two weeks, all those who had attended the classes could write a few Chinese words and paint a simple bamboo painting. Some of the bamboos painted by Bulgarians showed delightful compositions and ebullient brushworks.


Tu Xusong, director of China Cultural Center in Sophia, spoke highly of the UNNC volunteers. “We picked them to start the monthly project because we knew the university was highly international. It turns out that ours is a right decision. The volunteers spared no efforts to express themselves and the classes they taught were innovative and delightful. They served as envoys of Chinese culture and the Chinese story they presented was good,” remarks Tu.


In recent years, UNNC carries out various volunteers programs. Incomplete data indicate that hundreds of UNNC students are engaged in these programs in 35 countries and regions during summer and winter breaks.


The volunteer services of UNNC are more than work. Volunteers give full play to their capabilities to disseminate Chinese culture to the world. UNNC volunteers have been contributing to China’s Belt & Road initiative. “It is hoped that the UNNC volunteer service will be a brand name and that it will enable the world to know more about China and Ningbo in particular,” comments proudly Zhang Yun, director of the UNNC center for student affairs and development.

