Publisher’s Journey to the West 从都灵书展出发的西行漫记

2019-08-22 04:11:21 source: 《文化交流》:牧心原






  国际书展开幕第一天。浙江大学出版社与意大利Cafoscarina出版社就“中国经典(Chinese Classics)”系列丛书合作出版举行签约仪式。意大利驻上海总领馆原文化参赞卡萨奇教授、威尼斯大学出版社社长Stefano Chinellato出席并分别发表演讲。活动结束后,接受了《光明日报》驻意大利记者和意大利一地方电视台的随机采访。趁活动间隙,还临时起意,顺道参观了位于维克托·伊曼纽尔二世(Vittorio Emanuele II)皇宫的意大利建国历史陈列馆。





  (1)浙大社与意大利特伦托大学签署“中西商贸丛书”合作出版协议,代表浙大向卫匡国研究中心赠书。特伦托大学常务副校长、卫匡国研究中心主任Riccardo Zandonini出席并发表演讲;活动后,意大利电视台对双方进行了采访。


  (2)浙大出版社《意大利劳动法概览》首发式暨作者座谈会。中国驻米兰总领馆科教文领事管海波、意大利皮埃蒙特大区企业创新和研发局局长Giuseppina De Santis,浙江科技出版社总编辑章建林,以及作者白君毅、Francesco Brugnatelli (李法)出席了活动。

  都灵国际书展第四天是周日。在卡萨奇教授陪同下,一行人参观访问了威尼斯大学及出版社。Stefano Chinellato社长放弃休息时间,专门到学校与中国同行交流,商讨合作。这样的同行交流,这样的周末时光,令人快乐!社长向我们介绍了不少中国题材的意大利文图书,并赠送了一本意英中三用字典,希望能以电子版数据库等多种形式给中国读者带去便利。我也送给卡萨奇教授一本《怎样读经典》,教授愉快地接受,并说西方人阅读中国典籍时很需要这样的导读书。我还提到了西方音乐包括普契尼《图兰朵》这样的歌剧中的某些中国元素,希望能看到这方面的著述,斯蒂芬马上打开电脑播放起马勒以唐诗谱曲的《大地之歌》的第六乐章“告别”,并说他也很关注这个问题。卡萨奇教授不由地说,我发现你们两位都是音乐迷呀!



  拜访结束后,还顺道参观了Accademia Museum(威尼斯学院美术馆),该馆成立于1563年,被被誉为“欧洲绘画艺术的集成之地”,收藏有乔尔乔内、乔瓦尼·波加蒂、贝利尼等14世纪到18世纪的威尼斯画派、托斯卡那画派画家的作品,还收藏有提香(Tiziano Vecellio)等意大利美术大师的杰作。今天最幸运的是,意外地欣赏到了达芬奇的众多素描作品,其中包括那幅著名的《维特鲁威人》,只能在一个特殊观赏区内排队观赏,不能拍照。









  次日,恰巧遇上马德里传统节日——圣伊西德罗节,全城放假,不少人穿上节日盛装,在街上游走,几乎所有的公务活动都停摆。好在还有世界文化遗产托莱古多城(Histotic City of Toledo),还有普拉多博物馆(Museo del Prado)可以去领略。










  Publisher’s Journey to the West

The 32nd Salone Internazionale del Libro (Turin International Book Fair) took place from May 9 to 13, 2019 in Turin, Italy. This year, more than 1,300 publishers from all over the world participated in the annual event. This year, visitors topped 280,000.


Zhejiang University Press sent a group to the fair. I was one of the members of the group. For us in the group, the trip was indeed a journey to the west. We flew from Hangzhou to Turin. After the fair in Turin, we visited Venice and Florence in Italy and then journeyed further westward to Madrid and Toledo in Spain. From there we went to France and visited Paris and Orleans.


We didn’t travel alone after Turin. With colleagues from other Chinese publishers, we traveled and visited publishers and education institutions in these cities for promoting mutual understanding and exchanges and enhancing trust and cooperation.


Zhejiang University Press held several events at the book fair. On the first day, Zhejiang University Press and Italian publisher Cafoscarina held a ceremony to sign a contract to publish a series of Chinese classics. On the second day, Zhejiang University Press signed a contract with University of Trento to publish a series of books on trade and business. Zhejiang University donated books to Martino Martini Center at the university. Martino Martini (1614-1661) was an Italian Jesuit missionary, cartographer and historian. He was born in Trento and spent years in Hangzhou where Zhejiang University is located today. He passed away in Hangzhou.


Also on the second day, we held a ceremony at the book fair to launch a Chinese book titled A General Introduction to Italian Labor Law. Among the guests present at the ceremony were author Bai Junyi, Chinese diplomats, and Italian officials.


On the fourth day, which was Sunday, we visited Venice University and its press in particular. As Venice is a city on water, we walked around appreciating the exotic sights. After our visit to the university and its press, we visited Academia Museum, which was founded in 1563 and houses a huge collection of artworks.


On the fifth day of our journey to the west, we arrived in Florence. We visited an art college there. As we spent time communicating with people in the college, we did not have time to do sightseeing around the famous city where renaissance germinated many centuries ago. For half an hour after lunch, we visited Michelangelo Square where we took a panoramic view of Florence, but we didn’t have time for some well known museums there. As we traveled, we stopped here and there and took some photos.


That evening we flew from Florence to Madrid. On the morning of the sixth day, we visited Popular Publishing, a publishing company in Madrid. It prints reference books on economics, law, culture and language and it exports books to countries and regions where Spanish is an official language. In recent years, the publishing house has bought copy rights of several books published by Zhejiang University Press. There is already a foundation for further cooperation in publishing books on finance and economics, language, culture and history.


That day, we visited the Zhejiang University alumni association in Madrid. We were warmly welcomed there. That evening we attended a banquet held by the association. 


The seventh day of our journey to the west was May 15 which was San Isidro Festival. The festivities on the day honor the patron saint of Madrid. People came out to celebrate. We visited Toledo, a historic city about 60 kilometers away from Madrid. It took us no more than an hour to reach the city. We were impressed by the well preserved ancient city. The centerpiece of our visit was Museo del Prado, one of the greatest museums in the world.


We arrived in Paris at about 8 o’clock in the evening. It was nearly 11 o’clock when we finally reached the hotel where we were going to stay for the evening. We didn’t see much as we disembarked from the bus. It was dark and somber. We woke up in the morning and looked from the window and saw a different world. We were staying at a small hotel in a golf club. Everything looked rural and beautiful. We even heard a cock crowing. We stayed there simply because the publishing house we were scheduled to visit that day was located near the golf club.


The publishing house is located in Orleans, which is about 100 kilometers from Paris. About one kilometer from the office of the publisher is a factory where Deng Xiaoping worked when he was studying in France. Nearby was a small railway station. It is said the district there is probably most friendly to China. We talked about business with the publishers there for about four hours. The publishing house has already published some books. It is now working in partnership with a publisher in Sichuan, China to publish a French edition of Deng Xiaoping at Historical Junctures.


After the visit to the publisher was over, we traveled to Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport. It was the eighth day of our journey to the west. On our way to the airport, we stopped at Fontainebleau and Barbizon, which are popular in China. At each stop, we got a quick tour through each attraction as we were pressed for time.


We stayed at an airport hotel for the night. The next morning we boarded a plane and flew all the way back to China.


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  国际书展开幕第一天。浙江大学出版社与意大利Cafoscarina出版社就“中国经典(Chinese Classics)”系列丛书合作出版举行签约仪式。意大利驻上海总领馆原文化参赞卡萨奇教授、威尼斯大学出版社社长Stefano Chinellato出席并分别发表演讲。活动结束后,接受了《光明日报》驻意大利记者和意大利一地方电视台的随机采访。趁活动间隙,还临时起意,顺道参观了位于维克托·伊曼纽尔二世(Vittorio Emanuele II)皇宫的意大利建国历史陈列馆。





  (1)浙大社与意大利特伦托大学签署“中西商贸丛书”合作出版协议,代表浙大向卫匡国研究中心赠书。特伦托大学常务副校长、卫匡国研究中心主任Riccardo Zandonini出席并发表演讲;活动后,意大利电视台对双方进行了采访。


  (2)浙大出版社《意大利劳动法概览》首发式暨作者座谈会。中国驻米兰总领馆科教文领事管海波、意大利皮埃蒙特大区企业创新和研发局局长Giuseppina De Santis,浙江科技出版社总编辑章建林,以及作者白君毅、Francesco Brugnatelli (李法)出席了活动。

  都灵国际书展第四天是周日。在卡萨奇教授陪同下,一行人参观访问了威尼斯大学及出版社。Stefano Chinellato社长放弃休息时间,专门到学校与中国同行交流,商讨合作。这样的同行交流,这样的周末时光,令人快乐!社长向我们介绍了不少中国题材的意大利文图书,并赠送了一本意英中三用字典,希望能以电子版数据库等多种形式给中国读者带去便利。我也送给卡萨奇教授一本《怎样读经典》,教授愉快地接受,并说西方人阅读中国典籍时很需要这样的导读书。我还提到了西方音乐包括普契尼《图兰朵》这样的歌剧中的某些中国元素,希望能看到这方面的著述,斯蒂芬马上打开电脑播放起马勒以唐诗谱曲的《大地之歌》的第六乐章“告别”,并说他也很关注这个问题。卡萨奇教授不由地说,我发现你们两位都是音乐迷呀!



  拜访结束后,还顺道参观了Accademia Museum(威尼斯学院美术馆),该馆成立于1563年,被被誉为“欧洲绘画艺术的集成之地”,收藏有乔尔乔内、乔瓦尼·波加蒂、贝利尼等14世纪到18世纪的威尼斯画派、托斯卡那画派画家的作品,还收藏有提香(Tiziano Vecellio)等意大利美术大师的杰作。今天最幸运的是,意外地欣赏到了达芬奇的众多素描作品,其中包括那幅著名的《维特鲁威人》,只能在一个特殊观赏区内排队观赏,不能拍照。









  次日,恰巧遇上马德里传统节日——圣伊西德罗节,全城放假,不少人穿上节日盛装,在街上游走,几乎所有的公务活动都停摆。好在还有世界文化遗产托莱古多城(Histotic City of Toledo),还有普拉多博物馆(Museo del Prado)可以去领略。










  Publisher’s Journey to the West

The 32nd Salone Internazionale del Libro (Turin International Book Fair) took place from May 9 to 13, 2019 in Turin, Italy. This year, more than 1,300 publishers from all over the world participated in the annual event. This year, visitors topped 280,000.


Zhejiang University Press sent a group to the fair. I was one of the members of the group. For us in the group, the trip was indeed a journey to the west. We flew from Hangzhou to Turin. After the fair in Turin, we visited Venice and Florence in Italy and then journeyed further westward to Madrid and Toledo in Spain. From there we went to France and visited Paris and Orleans.


We didn’t travel alone after Turin. With colleagues from other Chinese publishers, we traveled and visited publishers and education institutions in these cities for promoting mutual understanding and exchanges and enhancing trust and cooperation.


Zhejiang University Press held several events at the book fair. On the first day, Zhejiang University Press and Italian publisher Cafoscarina held a ceremony to sign a contract to publish a series of Chinese classics. On the second day, Zhejiang University Press signed a contract with University of Trento to publish a series of books on trade and business. Zhejiang University donated books to Martino Martini Center at the university. Martino Martini (1614-1661) was an Italian Jesuit missionary, cartographer and historian. He was born in Trento and spent years in Hangzhou where Zhejiang University is located today. He passed away in Hangzhou.


Also on the second day, we held a ceremony at the book fair to launch a Chinese book titled A General Introduction to Italian Labor Law. Among the guests present at the ceremony were author Bai Junyi, Chinese diplomats, and Italian officials.


On the fourth day, which was Sunday, we visited Venice University and its press in particular. As Venice is a city on water, we walked around appreciating the exotic sights. After our visit to the university and its press, we visited Academia Museum, which was founded in 1563 and houses a huge collection of artworks.


On the fifth day of our journey to the west, we arrived in Florence. We visited an art college there. As we spent time communicating with people in the college, we did not have time to do sightseeing around the famous city where renaissance germinated many centuries ago. For half an hour after lunch, we visited Michelangelo Square where we took a panoramic view of Florence, but we didn’t have time for some well known museums there. As we traveled, we stopped here and there and took some photos.


That evening we flew from Florence to Madrid. On the morning of the sixth day, we visited Popular Publishing, a publishing company in Madrid. It prints reference books on economics, law, culture and language and it exports books to countries and regions where Spanish is an official language. In recent years, the publishing house has bought copy rights of several books published by Zhejiang University Press. There is already a foundation for further cooperation in publishing books on finance and economics, language, culture and history.


That day, we visited the Zhejiang University alumni association in Madrid. We were warmly welcomed there. That evening we attended a banquet held by the association. 


The seventh day of our journey to the west was May 15 which was San Isidro Festival. The festivities on the day honor the patron saint of Madrid. People came out to celebrate. We visited Toledo, a historic city about 60 kilometers away from Madrid. It took us no more than an hour to reach the city. We were impressed by the well preserved ancient city. The centerpiece of our visit was Museo del Prado, one of the greatest museums in the world.


We arrived in Paris at about 8 o’clock in the evening. It was nearly 11 o’clock when we finally reached the hotel where we were going to stay for the evening. We didn’t see much as we disembarked from the bus. It was dark and somber. We woke up in the morning and looked from the window and saw a different world. We were staying at a small hotel in a golf club. Everything looked rural and beautiful. We even heard a cock crowing. We stayed there simply because the publishing house we were scheduled to visit that day was located near the golf club.


The publishing house is located in Orleans, which is about 100 kilometers from Paris. About one kilometer from the office of the publisher is a factory where Deng Xiaoping worked when he was studying in France. Nearby was a small railway station. It is said the district there is probably most friendly to China. We talked about business with the publishers there for about four hours. The publishing house has already published some books. It is now working in partnership with a publisher in Sichuan, China to publish a French edition of Deng Xiaoping at Historical Junctures.


After the visit to the publisher was over, we traveled to Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport. It was the eighth day of our journey to the west. On our way to the airport, we stopped at Fontainebleau and Barbizon, which are popular in China. At each stop, we got a quick tour through each attraction as we were pressed for time.


We stayed at an airport hotel for the night. The next morning we boarded a plane and flew all the way back to China.

