2022-06-13 18:06:31 source: Zhejiang News
The app Anxingwu, loosely translated into "assuring house", is a digitalized scenario app that allows researchers in Zhejiang to finish all the procedures online, from preliminary application to final deal, slashing much of the labor rushing between different offices. Half a month after its debut, more than 60 institutions have adopted it, adding 15 thousand sci-tech outcomes on the homepage.
Li Hu, who is responsible for the app introduced that the application of "Anxinwu" connects the cloud platform of state-owned assets management and the Platform of Zhejiang Online Technology Market 3.0. Data and business on the two platforms are seamlessly connected, and a whole process electronic achievement transformation channel is built. At present, "Anxinwu" can realize five functions: application for achievement transformation, approval of transformation contract, acceptance of contract registration and tax-free registration, registration of income distribution, and empowerment of scientific and technological achievements. Researchers can also check the approval and transaction process in real time.
"Anxinwu" has been promoted to universities and institutes, public health institutions, state-owned enterprises, and other state-owned enterprises.
It is an important measure for Zhejiang to implement the reform of separate management of scientific and technological achievements entrusted by the state so that researchers are more willing to transform their achievements, improve the income distribution mechanism oriented to increase the value of knowledge, and provide strong scientific and technological support for the construction of common prosperity demonstration zone in Zhejiang.
Editor: Fan Wenwu
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