Right Here Waiting in Zhejiang丨Assadour Markarov: Art transcends borders

2024-05-24 08:00:00 source: ZICC

Assadour Markarov is a Bulgarian artist and curator, who has been lecturing around the world. He is currently a full-time professor at Department of Fiber Art, School of Sculpture and Public Art in China Academy of Art.

In 1987, Markarov came to China after finishing freshman year in Bulgaria and started his study in China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province.

Fanscinated by the charm of traditional Chinese calligraphy, Markarov made a degree in this form of traditional Chinese art. 

Having been living in Hangzhou for over two decades, Markarov has strong attachment to this city. 

Reporter Yan Yiqi, Intern Wu Mian

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Assadour Markarov is a Bulgarian artist and curator, who has been lecturing around the world. He is currently a full-time professor at Department of Fiber Art, School of Sculpture and Public Art in China Academy of Art.

In 1987, Markarov came to China after finishing freshman year in Bulgaria and started his study in China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province.

Fanscinated by the charm of traditional Chinese calligraphy, Markarov made a degree in this form of traditional Chinese art. 

Having been living in Hangzhou for over two decades, Markarov has strong attachment to this city. 

Reporter Yan Yiqi, Intern Wu Mian
