Quzhou folklore expert draws a new image of 'door gods' with anti-pandemic initiative

2022-01-30 12:09:56 source: Quzhou, Zhejiang


The door gods (mén shén, in Chinese) are worshipped by the Chinese as spiritual guardians of the entrance.


In Chinese traditions, door gods are supposed to keep evil spirits from entering. The door gods usually face each other in pairs. The custom originated during the Tang Dynasty (618- 907 AD) when the Emperor honoured two loyal generals by having their portrait painted on the door, due to their bravery in fighting intruders and evil spirits.


Since the COVID-19 has hit Zhejiang Province, Quzhou Media Group has invited a folklore expert on creating a special version of the "door gods", which incorporates the fight against the COVID-19 with the Spring Festival traditions. 

Editor: Ye Ke

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The door gods (mén shén, in Chinese) are worshipped by the Chinese as spiritual guardians of the entrance.


In Chinese traditions, door gods are supposed to keep evil spirits from entering. The door gods usually face each other in pairs. The custom originated during the Tang Dynasty (618- 907 AD) when the Emperor honoured two loyal generals by having their portrait painted on the door, due to their bravery in fighting intruders and evil spirits.


Since the COVID-19 has hit Zhejiang Province, Quzhou Media Group has invited a folklore expert on creating a special version of the "door gods", which incorporates the fight against the COVID-19 with the Spring Festival traditions. 

Editor: Ye Ke
