Opportunity China: Foreign Business Talk丨Pakistani businessman’s dream in Jiaxing

2024-07-18 08:38:09 source: ZICC

Pakistan businessman Osama Asif has been living and developing his business in Jiaxing since 2016, primarily offering one-stop solutions for textiles, machinery, yarn, and spare parts. This summer is especially significant for Osama, as his family has also arrived in Jiaxing to join him.

Osama's youngest son, Zain, has a "Chinese grandfather" in Jiaxing, Mr Du. Mr Du has had a deep friendship with Osama's father for 20 years. Now, Osama has successfully established his business in Jiaxing. "Jiaxing is the center of my operations, with all suppliers nearby," said Osama. 

Osama has not only established good business relationships with suppliers but also become friends with them. Many people view Osama as a bridge between Jiaxing and Pakistan, as he adeptly handles the needs of the Pakistani market.

Osama said that Jiaxing is the starting point of all his dreams. He has experienced the beginnings and success of his career, the joy of becoming a father, and the vision of his future and development.

Video by Jiaxing International Communication Center

Reporter Zhou Jiayi, Editor Cheng Dengyu, Zhong Xinyi, Intern Xu Lingxuan

Editor: Zhang Fangyu

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Pakistan businessman Osama Asif has been living and developing his business in Jiaxing since 2016, primarily offering one-stop solutions for textiles, machinery, yarn, and spare parts. This summer is especially significant for Osama, as his family has also arrived in Jiaxing to join him.

Osama's youngest son, Zain, has a "Chinese grandfather" in Jiaxing, Mr Du. Mr Du has had a deep friendship with Osama's father for 20 years. Now, Osama has successfully established his business in Jiaxing. "Jiaxing is the center of my operations, with all suppliers nearby," said Osama. 

Osama has not only established good business relationships with suppliers but also become friends with them. Many people view Osama as a bridge between Jiaxing and Pakistan, as he adeptly handles the needs of the Pakistani market.

Osama said that Jiaxing is the starting point of all his dreams. He has experienced the beginnings and success of his career, the joy of becoming a father, and the vision of his future and development.

Video by Jiaxing International Communication Center

Reporter Zhou Jiayi, Editor Cheng Dengyu, Zhong Xinyi, Intern Xu Lingxuan

Editor: Zhang Fangyu
