Global Eyes on Zhejiang丨US doctor thumbs up to digital life

2024-07-19 10:51:42 source: ZICC

Mudita Malhotra, a family physician from the United States, officially began her role at the International Healthcare Center of Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, affiliated with Zhejiang University School of Medicine in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, on July 15. As the first US attending physician in the Department of General Practice, Malhotra brings her expertise in family medicine and international healthcare practices to enhance the hospital's international medical services through outpatient consultations, rounds, and training.

In an interview with ZICC reporters, Malhotra expressed her high regard for the Chinese healthcare system, particularly highlighting the seamless cooperation between international and local doctors, and the integration of eastern and western medical practices.

Malhotra also gave thumbs up to the digital lifestyle in Hangzhou. Upon her arrival, she quickly adapted to the advanced digital environment using apps like Alipay, WeChat and DiDi to manage daily life and work demands efficiently.

Reporter Xu Zhitian; Intern Qin Yuanyuan

Editor Cheng Dengyu

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Mudita Malhotra, a family physician from the United States, officially began her role at the International Healthcare Center of Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, affiliated with Zhejiang University School of Medicine in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, on July 15. As the first US attending physician in the Department of General Practice, Malhotra brings her expertise in family medicine and international healthcare practices to enhance the hospital's international medical services through outpatient consultations, rounds, and training.

In an interview with ZICC reporters, Malhotra expressed her high regard for the Chinese healthcare system, particularly highlighting the seamless cooperation between international and local doctors, and the integration of eastern and western medical practices.

Malhotra also gave thumbs up to the digital lifestyle in Hangzhou. Upon her arrival, she quickly adapted to the advanced digital environment using apps like Alipay, WeChat and DiDi to manage daily life and work demands efficiently.

Reporter Xu Zhitian; Intern Qin Yuanyuan

Editor Cheng Dengyu
