Asian Games Tour | International students have fun at Jinhua Sports Center

2023-08-24 12:44:31 source: InZhejiang Global Communication Network

Jinhua Sports Center is one of the venues for holding the games of the Hangzhou Asian Games. In this video, a group of international students visited this venue where they explored the beautiful architecture and tried some interesting games. Let's take a look. 

Video: Tan Qikuan

Editor: Ye Ke

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26134797 Asian Games Tour | International students have fun at Jinhua Sports Center public html

Jinhua Sports Center is one of the venues for holding the games of the Hangzhou Asian Games. In this video, a group of international students visited this venue where they explored the beautiful architecture and tried some interesting games. Let's take a look. 

Video: Tan Qikuan

Editor: Ye Ke
