Baby Golden Takin born in Hangzhou Safari Park 萌出天际!杭州野生动物世界金毛羚牛宝宝蹒跚学步“练”登山

2019-05-14 03:05:13 source: Zhe Video; Translator:Dai Zhiyi

The golden takin (Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi), native to the Qin Mountains in southern Shaanxi Province, is an endangered goat-antelope. Golden takins have unique adaptations that help them stay warm and dry during the bitter cold of winter. In Hangzhou Safari Park recently, a newborn baby golden takin was taking a walk under the guidance of its parents.

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10116933 Baby Golden Takin born in Hangzhou Safari Park 萌出天际!杭州野生动物世界金毛羚牛宝宝蹒跚学步“练”登山 public html

The golden takin (Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi), native to the Qin Mountains in southern Shaanxi Province, is an endangered goat-antelope. Golden takins have unique adaptations that help them stay warm and dry during the bitter cold of winter. In Hangzhou Safari Park recently, a newborn baby golden takin was taking a walk under the guidance of its parents.
