West Lake Scenic Area

2018-12-29 09:12:11 source: Hangzhou Tourism Commission



With bordering hills on three sides and neighboring downtown Hangzhou on one side, West Lake forms the centerpiece of not only West Lake Scenic Area, but also Hangzhou. With a potpourri of islands, pavilions, villas, courtyards, boulevards, arched bridges, hills, parks, museums, shopping streets, boutique restaurants, monasteries, lagoons, and tea plantations, West Lake Scenic Area is bound to quench your thirst for the most authentic and amazing Chinese culture. To scratch the surface of West Lake Scenic Area, you can start from Top Ten Scenes and  New Top Ten Scenes, which are fine examples combining sublime natural beauty and rich cultural connotations. 

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With bordering hills on three sides and neighboring downtown Hangzhou on one side, West Lake forms the centerpiece of not only West Lake Scenic Area, but also Hangzhou. With a potpourri of islands, pavilions, villas, courtyards, boulevards, arched bridges, hills, parks, museums, shopping streets, boutique restaurants, monasteries, lagoons, and tea plantations, West Lake Scenic Area is bound to quench your thirst for the most authentic and amazing Chinese culture. To scratch the surface of West Lake Scenic Area, you can start from Top Ten Scenes and  New Top Ten Scenes, which are fine examples combining sublime natural beauty and rich cultural connotations. 
