Guidelines for foreigners to apply for marriage registration in Zhejiang

2024-05-16 10:24:52 source:

I. Scope of application

1. Contents involved: Marriage registration involving foreigners.

2. Applicable users: A. One party is a mainland resident whose household registration is in Zhejiang Province, and the other party is a foreigner, applying for marriage registration in Zhejiang Province; B. One party is a foreigner, the other party is a Hong Kong resident, Macau resident, Taiwan resident or overseas Chinese, and both parties or one party work(s) or live(s) in Zhejiang Province, applying for marriage registration in Zhejiang Province.

II. Application Conditions

(1) The marriage registration office has jurisdiction (civil affairs bureaus of 11 districted cities and Yiwu civil affairs bureau handle marriage registrations involving foreigners, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents and overseas Chinese within their respective administrative areas). 

(2) Both man and woman are required to go to the marriage registration office together to apply for marriage registration.

(3) The male must be at least 22 years old and the female must be at least 20 years old.

(4) Both parties are single (unmarried, divorced, widowed).

(5) The parties have no direct blood kinship or collateral blood kinship within three generations.

(6) The parties must marry out of their own will.

(7) The parties shall submit 3 recent 2-inch bareheaded photos taken of both parties. 

(8) The parties should hold valid certificates as stipulated in Articles 31 to 39 of the "Zhejiang Province Marriage Registration Regulations". 

(9) If one party is a foreigner and the other party is a resident of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan or overseas Chinese, and applies marriage registration in the Mainland, if the parties can produce the corresponding certificates and documents stipulated in the "Regulations on Marriage Registration", the registration authority in the place where the parties work or live shall accept the application. (If both parties are foreigners, the marriage registration authority shall not accept the application.)

(10) If the materials such as "certificate that I have no spouse" submitted by the parties to the marriage registration authority are in foreign languages, they shall be translated into Chinese. If the party concerned fails to submit the Chinese translation, it shall be deemed that the document has not been submitted. Marriage registration agencies can accept translated texts issued by Chinese embassies and consulates in foreign countries or qualified translation agencies.

III. Materials to Submit

(1) The original copy of "Declaration of Application for Marriage Registration" (one by each man and woman).

(2) 3 recent 2-inch half-length bareheaded group photos of taken of both parties.

(3) The parties hold the valid certificates and originals of certification materials stipulated in Articles 31 to 39 of the "Zhejiang Province Marriage Registration Regulations".

Mainland Residents: the original valid resident ID card (including the original temporary resident ID card, the same below) and the original resident registration book.

1. For collective household registration, the party shall submit the permanent resident registration card with the household seal of the public security police station.

2. If the party concerned cannot submit the household registration booklet, he may submit the household registration certificate issued by the police station where the household is registered. 

3. If the name, gender, date of birth, and ID card number registered in the resident identity card and the household registration booklet are inconsistent, you should first apply to the public security police station where the household is registered for modification and correction and change the certificate, and then go through the marriage registration.

4. If the marital status declared by the party is inconsistent with the resident household register, the party should provide materials that can prove the authenticity of his or her statement, such as the marriage registration certificate, the court's effective judicial document, or the spouse's "Medical Certificate for Resident Death (Inference); if it cannot be provided, the party concerned should first go to the police station where the household registration is located to apply for changing and correcting the marital status.

5. 5. If the marital status declared by the party is inconsistent with the records in the marriage registration file, the party shall submit materials that can prove the authenticity of his or her statement, such as marriage registration certificate, the court's effective judicial documents, and the spouse's "Medical Certificate of Resident Death (Inference)".

6. If you apply for marriage registration after divorce, you can obtain the electronic divorce certificate through the Zhejiang Provincial Marriage Registration Management System (in line with the standard of "Electronic Divorce Certificate on National Government Service Platform"). Confirmed of authenticity by the party him or herself, the electronic certificate can be archived as a divorce certificate (except when the parties have resumed their marriage relationship).

Hong Kong Residents:

1. The original residence permit for Hong Kong and Macao residents or the original Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao residents, and the original home return permit for Hong Kong and Macao compatriots.

2. Original Hong Kong Resident Identity Card.

3. The original statement of no spouse and no direct blood kinship or collateral blood kinship within three generations with the other party, notarized by a notary public in Hong Kong.

Macau Residents:

1. The original residence permit for Hong Kong and Macao residents or the original Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao residents, and the original home return permit for Hong Kong and Macao compatriots.

2. Original Macau Resident Identity Card.

3. The original statement of no spouse and no direct blood kinship or collateral blood kinship within three generations with the other party, notarized by a notary public in Macau. 

Taiwan Residents:

1. The original residence permit for Taiwan residents or the original passport for Taiwan residents to travel to and from the mainland, or the original of other valid travel documents.

2. The original valid ID card of the person living in Taiwan.

3. The original statement of no spouse and no direct blood kinship or collateral blood kinship within three generations with the other party, notarized by a notary public in Taiwan. 

Overseas Chinese:

1. Original valid passport or original valid travel document.

2. The original certificate issued by the notary office or competent authority in the country of residence and certified by the embassy (consulate) of the People's Republic of China in the country that the person has no spouse and that he has no direct blood kinship or collateral blood kinship within three generations with the other party, or the original certificate issued by the embassy (consulate) of the People's Republic of China in the country that the person has no spouse and that he has no direct blood kinship or collateral blood kinship within three generations with the other party.

The original certificate issued by a country without diplomatic relations with China shall be authenticated by the embassy (consulate) of a third country in that country and the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the third country that have diplomatic relations with that country and China, or certified by the embassy (consulate) of a third country in China.


1. Original valid passport or other valid international travel documents;

2. The original certificate of no spouse issued by a notary office or competent authority in the country where the party lives and certified by the embassy (consulate) of the People's Republic of China in that country or the country's embassy (consulate) in China, or the original certificate of no spouse issued by the embassy (consulate) of that country in China.

The original certificate issued by a country without diplomatic relations with China shall be authenticated by the embassy (consulate) of a third country in that country and the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the third country that have diplomatic relations with that country and China, or certified by the embassy (consulate) of a third country in China.

If one party is a foreigner, the other party is a Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan resident or overseas Chinese, or both parties are Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents or overseas Chinese, and they require marriage registration in the Mainland, the parties shall submit the original documents and certification materials specified in Articles 34 to 39 of the "Zhejiang Province Marriage Registration Regulations", as well as the original certification materials proving the place of work or life of the parties.

IV. Application method

On-site application

V. "Zhejiang Province Marriage Registration Online Appointment" website:

Editor: Cheng Dengyu

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26844735 Guidelines for foreigners to apply for marriage registration in Zhejiang public html

I. Scope of application

1. Contents involved: Marriage registration involving foreigners.

2. Applicable users: A. One party is a mainland resident whose household registration is in Zhejiang Province, and the other party is a foreigner, applying for marriage registration in Zhejiang Province; B. One party is a foreigner, the other party is a Hong Kong resident, Macau resident, Taiwan resident or overseas Chinese, and both parties or one party work(s) or live(s) in Zhejiang Province, applying for marriage registration in Zhejiang Province.

II. Application Conditions

(1) The marriage registration office has jurisdiction (civil affairs bureaus of 11 districted cities and Yiwu civil affairs bureau handle marriage registrations involving foreigners, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents and overseas Chinese within their respective administrative areas). 

(2) Both man and woman are required to go to the marriage registration office together to apply for marriage registration.

(3) The male must be at least 22 years old and the female must be at least 20 years old.

(4) Both parties are single (unmarried, divorced, widowed).

(5) The parties have no direct blood kinship or collateral blood kinship within three generations.

(6) The parties must marry out of their own will.

(7) The parties shall submit 3 recent 2-inch bareheaded photos taken of both parties. 

(8) The parties should hold valid certificates as stipulated in Articles 31 to 39 of the "Zhejiang Province Marriage Registration Regulations". 

(9) If one party is a foreigner and the other party is a resident of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan or overseas Chinese, and applies marriage registration in the Mainland, if the parties can produce the corresponding certificates and documents stipulated in the "Regulations on Marriage Registration", the registration authority in the place where the parties work or live shall accept the application. (If both parties are foreigners, the marriage registration authority shall not accept the application.)

(10) If the materials such as "certificate that I have no spouse" submitted by the parties to the marriage registration authority are in foreign languages, they shall be translated into Chinese. If the party concerned fails to submit the Chinese translation, it shall be deemed that the document has not been submitted. Marriage registration agencies can accept translated texts issued by Chinese embassies and consulates in foreign countries or qualified translation agencies.

III. Materials to Submit

(1) The original copy of "Declaration of Application for Marriage Registration" (one by each man and woman).

(2) 3 recent 2-inch half-length bareheaded group photos of taken of both parties.

(3) The parties hold the valid certificates and originals of certification materials stipulated in Articles 31 to 39 of the "Zhejiang Province Marriage Registration Regulations".

Mainland Residents: the original valid resident ID card (including the original temporary resident ID card, the same below) and the original resident registration book.

1. For collective household registration, the party shall submit the permanent resident registration card with the household seal of the public security police station.

2. If the party concerned cannot submit the household registration booklet, he may submit the household registration certificate issued by the police station where the household is registered. 

3. If the name, gender, date of birth, and ID card number registered in the resident identity card and the household registration booklet are inconsistent, you should first apply to the public security police station where the household is registered for modification and correction and change the certificate, and then go through the marriage registration.

4. If the marital status declared by the party is inconsistent with the resident household register, the party should provide materials that can prove the authenticity of his or her statement, such as the marriage registration certificate, the court's effective judicial document, or the spouse's "Medical Certificate for Resident Death (Inference); if it cannot be provided, the party concerned should first go to the police station where the household registration is located to apply for changing and correcting the marital status.

5. 5. If the marital status declared by the party is inconsistent with the records in the marriage registration file, the party shall submit materials that can prove the authenticity of his or her statement, such as marriage registration certificate, the court's effective judicial documents, and the spouse's "Medical Certificate of Resident Death (Inference)".

6. If you apply for marriage registration after divorce, you can obtain the electronic divorce certificate through the Zhejiang Provincial Marriage Registration Management System (in line with the standard of "Electronic Divorce Certificate on National Government Service Platform"). Confirmed of authenticity by the party him or herself, the electronic certificate can be archived as a divorce certificate (except when the parties have resumed their marriage relationship).

Hong Kong Residents:

1. The original residence permit for Hong Kong and Macao residents or the original Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao residents, and the original home return permit for Hong Kong and Macao compatriots.

2. Original Hong Kong Resident Identity Card.

3. The original statement of no spouse and no direct blood kinship or collateral blood kinship within three generations with the other party, notarized by a notary public in Hong Kong.

Macau Residents:

1. The original residence permit for Hong Kong and Macao residents or the original Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao residents, and the original home return permit for Hong Kong and Macao compatriots.

2. Original Macau Resident Identity Card.

3. The original statement of no spouse and no direct blood kinship or collateral blood kinship within three generations with the other party, notarized by a notary public in Macau. 

Taiwan Residents:

1. The original residence permit for Taiwan residents or the original passport for Taiwan residents to travel to and from the mainland, or the original of other valid travel documents.

2. The original valid ID card of the person living in Taiwan.

3. The original statement of no spouse and no direct blood kinship or collateral blood kinship within three generations with the other party, notarized by a notary public in Taiwan. 

Overseas Chinese:

1. Original valid passport or original valid travel document.

2. The original certificate issued by the notary office or competent authority in the country of residence and certified by the embassy (consulate) of the People's Republic of China in the country that the person has no spouse and that he has no direct blood kinship or collateral blood kinship within three generations with the other party, or the original certificate issued by the embassy (consulate) of the People's Republic of China in the country that the person has no spouse and that he has no direct blood kinship or collateral blood kinship within three generations with the other party.

The original certificate issued by a country without diplomatic relations with China shall be authenticated by the embassy (consulate) of a third country in that country and the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the third country that have diplomatic relations with that country and China, or certified by the embassy (consulate) of a third country in China.


1. Original valid passport or other valid international travel documents;

2. The original certificate of no spouse issued by a notary office or competent authority in the country where the party lives and certified by the embassy (consulate) of the People's Republic of China in that country or the country's embassy (consulate) in China, or the original certificate of no spouse issued by the embassy (consulate) of that country in China.

The original certificate issued by a country without diplomatic relations with China shall be authenticated by the embassy (consulate) of a third country in that country and the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the third country that have diplomatic relations with that country and China, or certified by the embassy (consulate) of a third country in China.

If one party is a foreigner, the other party is a Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan resident or overseas Chinese, or both parties are Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents or overseas Chinese, and they require marriage registration in the Mainland, the parties shall submit the original documents and certification materials specified in Articles 34 to 39 of the "Zhejiang Province Marriage Registration Regulations", as well as the original certification materials proving the place of work or life of the parties.

IV. Application method

On-site application

V. "Zhejiang Province Marriage Registration Online Appointment" website:

Editor: Cheng Dengyu
