Sending Major Heat ship

2024-07-22 08:28:36 source: ZICC

Major Heat, the 12th solar term in the traditional Chinese solar calendar, begins this year on July 22 and ends on August 6. It marks the hottest season of the year.

Sending the Major Heat ship is a folk tradition spanning hundreds of years in Taizhou, Zhejiang province.

The ship is filled with various animals for sacrifice such as pigs, sheep, chicken, fish, and shrimp. More than 50 fishermen take turns carrying the ship as they march through the streets. Drums are played and fireworks are lit. Both sides of the street are filled with people praying for blessings.

After a series of ceremonies, the ship is finally carried to the wharf. Then, the ship is pulled out of the fishing port and burned at sea. People carry out this ritual to pray for good harvests and health.

Editor Cheng Dengyu

Intern Zhang Qixin

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Major Heat, the 12th solar term in the traditional Chinese solar calendar, begins this year on July 22 and ends on August 6. It marks the hottest season of the year.

Sending the Major Heat ship is a folk tradition spanning hundreds of years in Taizhou, Zhejiang province.

The ship is filled with various animals for sacrifice such as pigs, sheep, chicken, fish, and shrimp. More than 50 fishermen take turns carrying the ship as they march through the streets. Drums are played and fireworks are lit. Both sides of the street are filled with people praying for blessings.

After a series of ceremonies, the ship is finally carried to the wharf. Then, the ship is pulled out of the fishing port and burned at sea. People carry out this ritual to pray for good harvests and health.

Editor Cheng Dengyu

Intern Zhang Qixin
