Latvian Chinese Friendship Association President to bring Chinese culture to Europe

2024-07-16 16:52:59 source:

Nina Linde, president of Latvian Chinese Friendship Association, came to Hangzhou recently with her family to have a three-day visit and tour. During their stay in Hangzhou, they not only gained an in-depth understanding of Hangzhou's urban planning and construction, but also experienced the charm of traditional Chinese culture. Besides, they also visited local enterprises and had a deep conversation with entrepreneurs.

Gerald Hopperstaedter, Linde's husband, founded Latvian journal China Times. "China's history is so rich that stories would have to be hold. We want to educate and bring this nearer to the European population," he said. 


琳达的丈夫拉尔德·霍普斯泰德是拉脱维亚杂志《China Times》的创始人,他说,创办这份杂志的初衷,是希望更多人了解中国文化。“中国历史悠久,有很多故事可以讲述,也有很多名胜古迹可以游览,所以我们创办了一本杂志,让更多欧洲人了解中国。”他说。

Reporter: Shao Wenyun; Xu Zhitian; Xu Wendi

Intern: Zhang Wuyu

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Nina Linde, president of Latvian Chinese Friendship Association, came to Hangzhou recently with her family to have a three-day visit and tour. During their stay in Hangzhou, they not only gained an in-depth understanding of Hangzhou's urban planning and construction, but also experienced the charm of traditional Chinese culture. Besides, they also visited local enterprises and had a deep conversation with entrepreneurs.

Gerald Hopperstaedter, Linde's husband, founded Latvian journal China Times. "China's history is so rich that stories would have to be hold. We want to educate and bring this nearer to the European population," he said. 


琳达的丈夫拉尔德·霍普斯泰德是拉脱维亚杂志《China Times》的创始人,他说,创办这份杂志的初衷,是希望更多人了解中国文化。“中国历史悠久,有很多故事可以讲述,也有很多名胜古迹可以游览,所以我们创办了一本杂志,让更多欧洲人了解中国。”他说。

Reporter: Shao Wenyun; Xu Zhitian; Xu Wendi

Intern: Zhang Wuyu
