Meet the Grand Canal with dance theater To Meet the Grand Canal

2024-06-15 10:07:06 source: ZICC

The dance drama To Meet the Grand Canal will be performed at the Hangzhou Canal Grand Theatre from June 15 to 17, a comeback performance in Hangzhou after 10 years since its debut show. June 16 also marks the 10 year anniversary of the Grand Canal since its listing as a UNESCO world heritage site, illuminating its profound significance as both a cultural marvel and a natural wonder of invaluable importance to mankind.

In an exclusive interview with Cui Wei, the production director behind the mesmerizing dance drama, Cui shared her insights, reflections and elation surrounding this opus, recounting its decade-long journey of performances and the cultural significance it brings to light.

"It is not simply a dance drama, but also a campaign to promote cultural heritage," she said. 

With a history of more than 2500 years, the Grand Canal stands as a testament to human ingenuity, being the longest artificial waterway worldwide. The Grand Canal represents the future, passing on the precious cultural and ecological legacy of the Grand Canal to future generations.

In To Meet the Grand Canal, the male protagonist in the drama is a modern man tracing the footsteps of the historical civilization of the Grand Canal, representing us today; the female protagonist, on the other hand, is a drop of water from millennia, symbolizing the history of the canal. This drop of water gathered into the canal, showing us the rise and fall of the canal.

Reporter Yan Yiqi, Zhao Yaxin

Intern Wu Mian, Chen Ziyu, Yang Wanru

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The dance drama To Meet the Grand Canal will be performed at the Hangzhou Canal Grand Theatre from June 15 to 17, a comeback performance in Hangzhou after 10 years since its debut show. June 16 also marks the 10 year anniversary of the Grand Canal since its listing as a UNESCO world heritage site, illuminating its profound significance as both a cultural marvel and a natural wonder of invaluable importance to mankind.

In an exclusive interview with Cui Wei, the production director behind the mesmerizing dance drama, Cui shared her insights, reflections and elation surrounding this opus, recounting its decade-long journey of performances and the cultural significance it brings to light.

"It is not simply a dance drama, but also a campaign to promote cultural heritage," she said. 

With a history of more than 2500 years, the Grand Canal stands as a testament to human ingenuity, being the longest artificial waterway worldwide. The Grand Canal represents the future, passing on the precious cultural and ecological legacy of the Grand Canal to future generations.

In To Meet the Grand Canal, the male protagonist in the drama is a modern man tracing the footsteps of the historical civilization of the Grand Canal, representing us today; the female protagonist, on the other hand, is a drop of water from millennia, symbolizing the history of the canal. This drop of water gathered into the canal, showing us the rise and fall of the canal.

Reporter Yan Yiqi, Zhao Yaxin

Intern Wu Mian, Chen Ziyu, Yang Wanru
