Yangtze River Delta continues to lure China's best, brightest

2023-03-23 15:53:05 source: China Daily


Hangzhou to relax household registration rules to attract talented professionals

The government of Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang province, has said it is to further relax rules for household registration, or hukou, to attract a wide range of talent and bolster the development of the digital economy.

The city government issued a notice on March 13 to solicit opinions on changes to household registration rules, including expanded access for high-degree graduates and skilled personnel, to address the shortage of high-quality human resources as well as the shortage of skilled personnel.

"Hangzhou not only needs high-quality talent, but also other talent from all walks of life," said Tang Hairu, deputy director of the Expert Committee of the Hangzhou Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources.

Editor: Xiao Da, Lou Shihang (intern)

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Hangzhou to relax household registration rules to attract talented professionals

The government of Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang province, has said it is to further relax rules for household registration, or hukou, to attract a wide range of talent and bolster the development of the digital economy.

The city government issued a notice on March 13 to solicit opinions on changes to household registration rules, including expanded access for high-degree graduates and skilled personnel, to address the shortage of high-quality human resources as well as the shortage of skilled personnel.

"Hangzhou not only needs high-quality talent, but also other talent from all walks of life," said Tang Hairu, deputy director of the Expert Committee of the Hangzhou Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources.

Editor: Xiao Da, Lou Shihang (intern)
