Symposium to facilitate cultural exchange in Asia

2024-05-13 08:15:31 source: InZhejiang

An international symposium of Asian art and archaeology is held on May 11 during the First Asian Civilization Week of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. It aims to deepen cultural exchanges and mutual learning among Asian countries, and jointly promote the prosperity of Asian civilization.

"The symposium of Asian art and archaeology is a very important moment for the Asian culture in general. Archaeology always oriented toward western thinking, but this time we see the Asian perspectives. This made a more balanced understanding of human's past," said Kidong Bae, director of Institute of East Asian Archaeology.

With the theme of "Asian Civilization: Cultural Mutual Learning and Integration", the Asian Civilization Week includes a special exhibition on Asian Civilization and the Silk Road, the international symposium of Asian art and archaeology, and an exhibition of Asian cultural relics and pictures. 

Reporter: Cheng Dengyu, Intern Wu Mian

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An international symposium of Asian art and archaeology is held on May 11 during the First Asian Civilization Week of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. It aims to deepen cultural exchanges and mutual learning among Asian countries, and jointly promote the prosperity of Asian civilization.

"The symposium of Asian art and archaeology is a very important moment for the Asian culture in general. Archaeology always oriented toward western thinking, but this time we see the Asian perspectives. This made a more balanced understanding of human's past," said Kidong Bae, director of Institute of East Asian Archaeology.

With the theme of "Asian Civilization: Cultural Mutual Learning and Integration", the Asian Civilization Week includes a special exhibition on Asian Civilization and the Silk Road, the international symposium of Asian art and archaeology, and an exhibition of Asian cultural relics and pictures. 

Reporter: Cheng Dengyu, Intern Wu Mian
