Educational project for promoting Silk Road culture on campus launched in Hangzhou

2021-09-17 14:41:39 source: China National Silk Museum


"The Silk Road Culture in Schools" education alliance was launched in the China National Silk Museum (photo/He Zhenzhen)

In the afternoon of September 15, an educational project with the aim to promote the silk road culture on campus was launched at China National Silk Museum. 

The project "Silk Road Culture Goes To Schools" is designed with a curriculum for students of both primary and secondary schools. This project is also integrated with five modules, including history, science, crafts, art, and literature. 

On the site, representatives of member schools delivered keynote speeches and share cases around the theme of "Silk Road Culture" and "Museum-School Cooperation", showcasing the research fruits and achievements of the project at the current stage from the perspective of teaching and learning.

Luo Caijun, principal of Hangzhou Maiyuqiao Elementary Education School, introduced some of the student's works about silk road cultures, such as notebooks with the drawing of the representative architecture of the Silk Road as a book cover, an environment-friendly bag which is designed according to the spirit of Silk Road culture and an umbrella model with major cities along the Silk Road. 



Students' works: notebooks, environment-friendly bags, umbrella models (Photo/He Zhenzhen)

Jiang Jie, vice-principal of Hangzhou Normal University Dongcheng Education Group Dongcheng Elementary School presented "Shadow Puppets - Bringing the Silk Road Relics to Life". Jiang mentioned that the students designed, produced, and engaged in performing their own shadow puppets. During the process, students have gained a better understanding of the Silk Road characters and more knowledge about the Silk Road culture.


Students' works: characters of shadow puppets: Princess Wencheng (Left) and Zhang Qian (Right) (Photo/He Zhenzhen)

"Silk Road Culture Goes To Schools" project will further promote the integration of museums and schools. It will further make full use of museum resources and school resources, so as to establish a long-term cooperation mechanism between industry and the educational field. 

(Translator: He Zhenzhen, Editor: Ye Ke)

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"The Silk Road Culture in Schools" education alliance was launched in the China National Silk Museum (photo/He Zhenzhen)

In the afternoon of September 15, an educational project with the aim to promote the silk road culture on campus was launched at China National Silk Museum. 

The project "Silk Road Culture Goes To Schools" is designed with a curriculum for students of both primary and secondary schools. This project is also integrated with five modules, including history, science, crafts, art, and literature. 

On the site, representatives of member schools delivered keynote speeches and share cases around the theme of "Silk Road Culture" and "Museum-School Cooperation", showcasing the research fruits and achievements of the project at the current stage from the perspective of teaching and learning.

Luo Caijun, principal of Hangzhou Maiyuqiao Elementary Education School, introduced some of the student's works about silk road cultures, such as notebooks with the drawing of the representative architecture of the Silk Road as a book cover, an environment-friendly bag which is designed according to the spirit of Silk Road culture and an umbrella model with major cities along the Silk Road. 



Students' works: notebooks, environment-friendly bags, umbrella models (Photo/He Zhenzhen)

Jiang Jie, vice-principal of Hangzhou Normal University Dongcheng Education Group Dongcheng Elementary School presented "Shadow Puppets - Bringing the Silk Road Relics to Life". Jiang mentioned that the students designed, produced, and engaged in performing their own shadow puppets. During the process, students have gained a better understanding of the Silk Road characters and more knowledge about the Silk Road culture.


Students' works: characters of shadow puppets: Princess Wencheng (Left) and Zhang Qian (Right) (Photo/He Zhenzhen)

"Silk Road Culture Goes To Schools" project will further promote the integration of museums and schools. It will further make full use of museum resources and school resources, so as to establish a long-term cooperation mechanism between industry and the educational field. 

(Translator: He Zhenzhen, Editor: Ye Ke)
