Foreign businessmen find their second hometown in Yiwu

2025-01-23 08:29:58 source: China Daily


A Libyan businessman is in negotiations with a vendor to purchase authentic flowers at the Yiwu International Trade Market in Yiwu city, Zhejiang province, on Jan 15, 2025. He has run his business in Yiwu for two decades.

Being a paramount supplier of cross-border e-commerce platforms in China, Yiwu is regarded as the 'world's supermarket'. To date, over 21,000 foreign merchants from more than 100 countries and regions operate their business here for the long term, whilst experiencing China's close connection with the world.

Many of them have worked and successfully run their businesses in Yiwu for more than a decade, not only expanding international trade opportunities, but also considering the city as their second hometown.

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A Libyan businessman is in negotiations with a vendor to purchase authentic flowers at the Yiwu International Trade Market in Yiwu city, Zhejiang province, on Jan 15, 2025. He has run his business in Yiwu for two decades.

Being a paramount supplier of cross-border e-commerce platforms in China, Yiwu is regarded as the 'world's supermarket'. To date, over 21,000 foreign merchants from more than 100 countries and regions operate their business here for the long term, whilst experiencing China's close connection with the world.

Many of them have worked and successfully run their businesses in Yiwu for more than a decade, not only expanding international trade opportunities, but also considering the city as their second hometown.
