About ZICC

2024-05-15 17:45:34 source:

Zhejiang International Communication Center (ZICC) is a newly established international media platform in Zhejiang province, with an all-in-one communication platform of "websites + news channel + overseas social media platform account matrix". Among them, In Zhejiang website has been launched for five years, and its core users cover major countries along the Belt and Road Initiative. The center’s news channels cover over 200 countries and regions worldwide, with a user base of 50 million. The total number of followers in the overseas social media matrix exceeds 8 million.

ZICC, serving as a bridge between Zhejiang and the world, aims to introduce the economic, social and cultural development of China and Zhejiang to the world to better enhance mutual understanding.

Based in Zhejiang, cover stories across China and embrace the world, ZICC looks forward to establishing friendly cooperative relationships with media and institutions across the world, strengthening cultural exchanges, promoting mutual learning of civilizations, and jointly creating development achievements.

浙江省国际传播中心是浙江省新成立的国际化媒体,拥有“网站+电视频道+海外社交账号矩阵”三位一体传播平台。其中,印象浙江英文网站(In Zhejiang)已上线五周年,核心用户覆盖“一带一路”沿线主要国家;电视频道覆盖全球200余个国家和地区,用户数达5000万;海外社交账号矩阵总粉丝量超800万,持续向世界讲述浙江故事、中国故事。



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26843456 About ZICC public html Zhejiang International Communication Center (ZICC) is a newly established international media platform in Zhejiang province, with an all-in-one communication platform of "websites + news channel + overseas social media platform account matrix". Among them, In Zhejiang website has been launched for five years, and its core users cover major countries along the Belt and Road Initiative. The center’s news channels cover over 200 countries and regions worldwide, with a user base of 50 million. The total number of followers in the overseas social media matrix exceeds 8 million.

ZICC, serving as a bridge between Zhejiang and the world, aims to introduce the economic, social and cultural development of China and Zhejiang to the world to better enhance mutual understanding.

Based in Zhejiang, cover stories across China and embrace the world, ZICC looks forward to establishing friendly cooperative relationships with media and institutions across the world, strengthening cultural exchanges, promoting mutual learning of civilizations, and jointly creating development achievements.

浙江省国际传播中心是浙江省新成立的国际化媒体,拥有“网站+电视频道+海外社交账号矩阵”三位一体传播平台。其中,印象浙江英文网站(In Zhejiang)已上线五周年,核心用户覆盖“一带一路”沿线主要国家;电视频道覆盖全球200余个国家和地区,用户数达5000万;海外社交账号矩阵总粉丝量超800万,持续向世界讲述浙江故事、中国故事。


